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Exercises To Develop Muscle Strength


Do you want to become stronger, have an attractive body or simply have superior strength that allows you to lift heavy objects? The following strength-building exercises will help you get there.

1. What are the benefits of strength training?

According to studies by scientists, strength training provides a lot of health and physical benefits in many different ways. Strength training can help you:
Build lean muscle mass. Reduce body fat. Helps you burn calories. Effective weight loss and improved metabolism. Increase flexibility during movement. Improve brain development. Contributing to reducing the symptoms of many diseases such as osteoarthritis, diabetes,… Improve posture, and help increase balance and stability. Raise energy levels. The mood is improved and brings a sense of well-being. So how can you train your strength? You always think that you have to spend hours outside the gym to see good results. This article will change your mind. Here are the basics of endurance training that you can do in the comfort of your own home. It only takes 9 minutes of training to complete this full-body strength workout.

2. Strength exercises at home

This exercise is divided into 3 main sets, including a total of 9 small exercises. Before you start each group, don’t forget to put a timer next to it. If you’re a beginner, try to do each exercise as hard as you can within 1 minute. After completing the first set, rest for 1 minute before moving on to the second set and should try to maintain the duration of each exercise to 1 minute.
Indeed, just completing 9 minutes of training plus a few minutes of warm-up and rest between sets and you have completed your entire workout for the day. Do this exercise regularly 2-3 times a week for best results. Please read carefully and remember to follow each of the following instructions.
2.1. Start with a startup. Before starting each workout, don’t forget to warm up for at least 5-10 minutes. You can walk from slow to fast or jog in place. In addition, you can perform movement movements such as rotating elbows, knees, and other major muscle groups.
2.2. Set 1: Bodyweight Squats, Climbing Moves, and Push-ups Perform each exercise in succession for 1 minute and do not stop between exercises.
Bodyweight Squat You squat every time you sit or stand. It works your legs and glutes. These are the strongest muscle groups in the body.
Note: If you do not perform this squat correctly, it will make your knees feel uncomfortable. When you squat, keep your buttocks pushed out, similar to when you are about to sit on a chair. Concentrate strength in the hips and thighs to push up. In particular, do not press your knees forward as you move. The hip part is pushed up which is the end of a movement. Repeat this for one minute.
Advanced: You can add some “muscle shock” motion known in English as plyometric to the squat by jumping from the lowest position back to the starting position.
Push-ups: push-ups Push-ups work very effectively on the shoulder and chest muscles. Therefore, push-ups are always a very necessary exercise to help improve your body.
The usual resistance movement is quite difficult to do for beginners. Especially with women. Instead of trying too hard, try working out by placing your knees on the floor. That will reduce the amount of body mass you need to lift.
Advanced: If you are a person who has mastered this move. Challenge yourself to a more difficult level by putting your feet on a step or block during pushups.
Mountain climbers: climbing One of the strength exercises at home is climbing. This exercise mimics the movements of mountaineers as they climb steep peaks. Instead, this exercise is performed on a flat surface. Climbing is a full-body workout that builds strength in your entire body like your back, arms, and legs. What’s more, it also strengthens your heart.
Note: If this exercise puts too much strain on your wrists, try lifting your upper body up by placing your hands on a ladder to reduce the pressure on your arms.
2.3. Set 2: Plank, Single-Leg Hip and one-leg hip lift. Before moving on to this set, rest for a minute and take a few deep breaths.
Plank: Elbow push-ups This is probably a fairly familiar exercise for everyone, for those who are new to it. Plank exercises help develop strength in the shoulder area, arms and legs. Plank tones the abdominal muscles and strengthens the upper body. In addition, the plank also helps to improve both lower back and abdominal muscles. Plank also brings other useful effects for people with low back pain.
Note: The plank position can cause discomfort in your wrist area. Therefore, you should do the plank on the forearm. In addition, you should also put your knees on the floor when you plank to reduce the weight on your forearms.
Body Weight Split Squat This is a strength training variation of the squat that works the quadriceps, and hamstrings in the legs as well as the glutes. Jumping from the starting position from the lowest point in the squat also helps increase plyometric numbers.
Note: If you have trouble with balance, you can do this exercise close to the wall, placing your hands on the wall to support body balance. Besides, you can skip the plyometric jump if you find this exercise makes your knees hurt.
Advanced: Try jumping higher to get your heart really pumping and gain more strength.
One leg butt lift One leg butt lift is derived from yoga and it is tailored to work the muscles of your abs and glutes.
Note: You must keep your feet steady to be able to do this move.
Lift: Place your feet on a step or bench when doing this exercise to allow you to lift your hips even higher.
2.4. Set 3: Burpee Burpee With Push-Up, Single-Leg Toe Touches and Leg Lift. Rest 1 minute after the 2nd set and do the last set for this exercise.
Burpee With Push-Up This exercise is extremely good for your body, it will make your heart beat faster. The speed of jumping is very important, you should not jump too fast, but remember an important thing is to keep your body in control when you perform the exercise.
Note: If you exercise too fast, you will become hyperventilating. If so, try to regulate your own breathing. Before doing a squat, inhale and then exhale while doing push-ups. In addition, you can also flexibly adjust different positions such as adjusting the position of the legs. You can modify your legs like putting your right foot at 3 o’clock then bringing it to the middle, then bringing your left foot to 9 o’clock and then bringing it back to the middle and doing push-ups. This pose is known as the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock burpee.
Lift: To move faster through your abs, begin to straighten your legs back before your hands touch the ground. Do not arch your back when you move, to allow your legs to move freely.
Single-Leg Toe Touches: Leg Lift This exercise is a great way to tone your lower body. It helps improve balance, while also targeting your hamstrings.
Note: If you have balance problems, do this exercise near a wall that you can cling to for support if needed.
Advanced: To challenge yourself to a more difficult level after practicing this exercise, jump into your stand-up position. This will turn the exercise from isokinetic to plyometric and increase the difficulty level.
Leg Lift Finish this strength training exercise without touching your feet to the floor. This exercise will relieve low back pain, but to be effective you need to move your legs in a controlled manner during the exercise.
Note: When you raise your legs, you need to press your lower back to the floor and work your abs. This will ensure that your hips are not involved in this movement.
Be persistent in doing this 9-minute exercise regularly and you will have a markedly improved health. Endurance training makes you stronger and also builds muscle endurance.
Strength training is a versatile type of workout that you can do almost anywhere. Here are some other exercises that are popular at many gyms, but you can also work out effectively in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

3. Some other popular strength training exercises.

With each of these exercises, use rhythmic, steady, and controlled movements.
3.1. Squat to raise overhead If you’re new to strength training, start by raising your arms overhead without any weight. Once you can do this exercise in good form, you can add lighter weights and increase the weight as you build strength. This exercise not only works your glutes and leg muscles, it also works your back and shoulder muscles as well as your triceps. Directions:
Spread legs slightly wider than hips Bring arms along your body. Lower your hips slowly and squat. Reach up to return to standing while raising your arms overhead. Return to the original position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.
3.2. Dumbbell shoulder press Start with a dumbbell of about 2kg. As your strength improves, you can switch to using heavier weights. You can also replace the dumbbell with a water bottle or another easy-to-handle object. Just be sure to grip to avoid injuring yourself.
This exercise works the muscles in your shoulders and arms, and can also strengthen your core and chest muscles.
Spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the dumbbells and raise them to shoulder height. Bring your palm forward. Lift weights overhead until your arms are fully extended. Pause for a few seconds, then bring the dumbbells back to shoulder level. Repeat 8 to 12 times. 3.3. Hip Extension Exercise This exercise will work the muscles in your hips and legs. You need to prepare a strap to be able to perform this exercise.
First, you need to loop the resistance band around your ankles. For balance, you can use a chair or a wall. Center your body into a straight line, then pull your left leg back as far as you can, keeping your leg as straight as possible. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete 12 reps with the left leg, then repeat with the right leg. If you have any health or injury concerns that make working out difficult, contact your doctor or a professional trainer you know before you begin your strength training routine at home.

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